Make a Gift > Lymphoma Research Foundation

Make Your Voice Heard - Take Action Today

Urge Your Legislators to Support the Cancer Drug Parity Act


  • Your Senators
  • Your Representative


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Dear [Decision Maker],

I am your constituent and one of the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have been personally affected by lymphoma, the most common form of blood cancer. As an Advocate for the Lymphoma Research Foundation, I am writing to ask that you support the Cancer Drug Parity Act of 2019 (H.R.1730/S.741).

Patients, families and their medical providers must be able to make treatment decisions based on what is best for the patient, not the cost of a particular therapy. As an advocate with the Lymphoma Research Foundation and your constituent, I want to convey that this bill is very important to me. Please cosponsor the Cancer Drug Parity Act today. I will look forward to your response.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP]
[Your Email]




